Je nage donc je suis.
Un. Deux. Trois, Quatre mouvements. Souffler. La marque au fond de la piscine. Respirer. Allonger le bras. Attention à la rentrée dans l'eau. Casser le coude. Pousser. Un. Deux. Trois. Quatre mouvements. Souffler. La marque est un peu loin; il faut que j'allonge.
Quand on doit se taper 2,5 km de natation soit 50 aller-retour, 100 longueurs (!!!!), on a le temps de penser à autre chose. Enfin presque, car la natation a cela de chiant que l'on doit faire attention sans cesse à ce que l'on fait afin de pouvoir avancer assez rapidement en faisant le moins d'effort. Car le but du jeu est d'abord que cela dure le moins longtemps possible. D'autant plus que les piscines sont toutes construites en pentes. A l'aller on descend et c'est rapide. Au retour, cela monte et je soupçonne certaines d'avoir un courant contraire qui rend les choses encore plus difficiles.
Un. Deux. Trois, Quatre mouvements. Souffler. La marque au fond de la piscine. Respirer. Le mur arrive. Arrêt mouvement. Culbute. Replier les jambes. S'appuyer sur le mur. Pousser.
Ce qu'il a bien à la piscine, c'est que l'on ne peut pas tricher. Quand on est jeune, on a tendance à regarder la taille des sifflets; on compare la longueur et la largeur sous les douches. A l'âge mûr, on regarde qui a la plus grosse bedaine. Le moindre bourrelet est tout de suite repéré par les habitués. C'est simple on peut cacher à sa femme pendant quelque temps que l'on a abusé des pizzas. Pas aux nageurs. Sous l'eau, on peut voir que la poussée d'Archimède fait bien son boulot. Il y a toujours, bien évidemment, cette race haïssable de personnes qui, quoi qu'elles ingurgitent, restent minces et affichent insolemment leur ventre plat.
Un. Deux. Trois, Quatre mouvements. Souffler. La marque au fond de la piscine. Respirer. Allonger le bras. Attention à la rentrée dans l'eau. Casser le coude. Pousser.Je suis à combien là? 350 ou 400 ? Je ne me souviens plus. Suivant la fatigue je choisis l'un ou l'autre.
La plaie ce sont les palmistes (qui ne sont pas des palmiers fumistes mais des humains). Je ne parle pas de ceux qui utilisent des mini-palmes pour faire des fondamentaux. Ce sont les autres, ceux qui ont de grosses palmes et qui prennent la ligne d'eau comme s'ils étaient seules. Les palmistes sont les conducteurs de 4X4 des piscines.
Il a ensuite le nageur moyen qui ne regarde pas derrière lui quand il arrive au mur et qui se déporte alors que vous êtes en train de le doubler. Il y a quelques jours, je donnais le conseil de jeter un coup d'oeil derrière elle à une petite dame qui m'avait coupé la route par deux fois. Je ne comprenais pas son regard crispé car je n'avais aucune intention d'être agressif. Quant elle repartait pour continuer ses longueurs, un autre nageur me dit : "Tu sais qui c'est?", "Non", "C'est la femme dont le mari à tenté de la tuer. Elle ne nage plus qu'avec un poumon". Un triton passe.
Le pire reste le papy ou la mamy qui n'ont pas compris que les lignes sont réservées au bons nageurs. Résultat des collisions en série car ils ne respectent pas le sens de nage jusqu'à ce qu'un MNS (Maître Nageur Sauveteur pas les bonbons au chocolats) vienne lui suggérer d'aller nager plus loin.
Un. Deux. Trois, Quatre mouvements. Souffler. Respirer. La marque au fond de la piscine est loin. J'ai beau avoir l'impression de pousser autant ma nage est de moins en moins efficace.
Je nage avec Jean, 62 ans, qui fait 2 km par séance. Cela peut sembler beaucoup mais en fait, jusqu'à peu, il faisait la même distance en 2 séances. Il ne fait plus qu'une séance depuis le changement de concessionnaire qui a gagné la DSP (Délégation de Service Public). Il faut savoir que les collectivités locales veulent de moins en moins s'occuper des services publics. Le néo-libéralisme a gangrené les esprits et les gens ne veulent payer que ce qu'ils consomment. Ainsi les non-nageurs ne veulent pas payer pour les nageurs, les non footballeurs ne veulent pas payer pour les footballeurs, etc …
Les collectivités locales sont généralement propriétaires des équipements. Elles délèguent l'exploitation des équipements à des sociétés privées. Elles allouent une redevance aux délégataires. Dans la petite tête des élus en charge de l'appel d'offre, ce qui importe c'est que la redevance soit la plus faible possible. Cette gestion myope des fonds publics conduit: au doublement des tarifs notamment pour ceux qui viennent régulièrement, des licenciements, une eau plus froide, des problèmes d'ouverture (pas assez de chlore, un seul maitre-nageur). Ce qu'il y a de rageant est le mépris dont fait montre les élus en charge du dossier. Vous les interpelez et ils vous renvoient sur le délégataire qui n'en peut mais dans la mesure où il est dans sa logique. Ces beaux messieurs ou dames, qui ont sollicité notre suffrage, ignorent leurs administrés une fois élus.
Un. Deux. Trois, Quatre mouvements. Souffler. La marque au fond de la piscine. Respirer. Allonger le bras. Attention à la rentrée dans l'eau. Casser le coude. Pousser. Tiens un gars qui fait du fractionné. Je vais essayer de le suivre.
Il y a deux catégories de nageurs. Il y a les bons nageurs et les mauvais nageurs. Les bons nageurs nagent et les mauvais nageurs …. euh … nagent aussi mais ce sont des mauvais nageurs.
Je n'arrive pas à faire une activité sans garder un certain esprit de compétition. Lorsque je vois un nageur sur la ligne adjacente qui est en train de me doubler, j'ai tendance à vouloir le suivre. Le problème est que je fais des longues distances donc j'ai déjà dépassé les 1 000 m alors que l'autre fait des séries de 100 m à fond (c'est le fractionné). Si l'on rajoute le fait que mon adversaire a 30 ans de moins que moi et est un vrai nageur, je me retrouve à courir après ma jeunesse (avant que cela soit après mon souffle). Dans ce cas là, je ne sens plus mon épaule ce qui est une drôle d'expression pour dire que je ne sens que la douleur dans l'épaule. Une fois, j'ai réussi à résister. Cela m'a donné un gros coup de fierté et trois semaines d'arrêt pour m'en remettre.
Dernier cinquante mètres. Je donne tout c'est à dire plus grand chose. J'ai beau accélérer, respirer qu'une fois tous les huit battements, j'ai l'impression de faire du surplace. Le mur semble reculer à mesure où j'avance. J'ai le coeur qui va me coiffer sur le poteau tellement il a envie de sortir. La pente du bassin s'est accentuée; elle fait au moins du 10%. Un. Deux. Trois. Quatre mouvements. Je touche le mur. C'est fini… jusqu'à la prochaine séance dans deux jours.
"Quelquefois vous devriez rire, ça détend. Et c'est ça, prendre les choses au sérieux." Boris Vian
samedi 19 mai 2012
I swim, therefore I am.
One. Two. Three. Four strokes. Blow. The mark in the bottom of the swimming pool. Breathe. stretch out the arm. Look at the entering in the water. Break the elbow. Push. One. Two. Three. Four strokes. Blow. The mark is a little to far, I have to stretch out the arm more.
When you have to swim for 2,5km equal to 50 roundtrips, 100 lengths (!!!), you have time to thing about anything else. Still almost? Because swimming is boring as hell as you have contantly to look at what you do in order to sped up in the most effective way. The main objective is that the session last the least time possible. More, swimming pool are built with a slope. As you go it is going down and quick. For the return it is going up. I even suspect that there is a current against you.
One. Two. Three. Four strokes. Blow. The mark in the bottom of the swimming pool. Breathe. The wall is coming. Stop the stroke. Knock over. Fold down the legs. Lean on the wall. Push.
A good thing at the swimming pool: nobody can cheat. When you are young, you have a tendency to compare length and girth of the willies. As you grow old, you look at who is the one with the bigger belly. The smallest fold is instantly remarked by the ones whom regularly swim with you. It is simple you can hide to your wife for a while that you ate too much pizzas but not to the swimmers. Under the water, we can see that the push of Archimède does well its job. There is always, naturally this hateful race of persons who, whatever they gulp down, remain thin and show boldly their flat stomach.
One. Two. Three, four movements. Blow. The mark at the bottom of the swimming pool. Inhale(breathe). Stretch out the arm. Look at the entering in the water. Break the elbow. Push. How much do I have done? 350 or 400? I do not remember any more. According to the fatigue I choose the one or the other one.
The plague are palm-kernels. I do not speak about those who use mini-palms to make fundamental exercices. It is the others, those who have big palms and who take the water line as if they were alone. Palm-kernels are the drivers of 4X4 for swimming pools.
After there is the average swimmer who does not look behind him when he arrives at the wall and who swerves while you are doubling him. I gave the piece of advice to glance behind her at a small lady who had got away from me twice. I did not understand her wrinkled glance because I had no intention to be aggressive. When she restarted her lengthes, another swimmer says to me: " you know whom it is? ", "No", " it is the woman of whom the husband in tried to kill her. She swims now with only one lung ". A triton passes.
The worst cases are the grandpa or the grandma who did not understand that lines are reserved for good swimmers. The result is numerous collisions because they do not respect the sense of swimming until a MNS comes to suggest to him or her to go to swim farther.
One. Two. Three. Four strokes. Blow. The mark is too far. Breathe. I thought that I pushed always with the same intensity but my swimming is less and less efficient.
I swim with Jean, age 62, who is 3 km by session. It can seem a lot but, in fact, until few, he made the same distance in 2 sessions. He does not make more than a session since the change of agent which won the DSP (Delegation of Public service). It is necessary to know that local authorities want less and less to take care of public services. The neoliberalism gangrened the spirits and people want to pay only for what they consume. So the non-swimmers do not want to pay for the swimmers, the non-football players do not want to pay for the football players, etc. …
Local authorities are generally owners of equipments. They delegate the exploitation of equipments to private companies. They assign a fee to the agents. In the small brain of the elected representatives in charge of the call for tenders what matters it is that the royalty is the lowest possible. This nearsighted management of the public money lead to the doubling rates in particular for those who come regularly, dismissals, colder water, problems of opening (not enough chlorine, a single maitre-swimmer). What there is of fuming it is the contempt of which shows the elected representatives in charge of the case. You ask them questions and they send dismiss you on the agent who is in his logic. These high noses sirs or ladies, who requested our vote, ignore their citizens once elected representative.
One. Two. Three. Four strokes. Blow. The mark in the bottom of the swimming pool. Breathe. stretch out the arm. Look at the entering in the water. Break the elbow. Push. Hey, a guy doing split exercices. I will try to follow him.
There are two type of swimmers. There is the good swimmers and the bad swimmers. The good swimmers swim and the bad ones … euh … swim too. But they are bad swimmers.
I can't do any activity without keeping a competitive spirit. When I see a swimmer on the neighboring line which is doubling me. I want to follow him. The problem is that I swim long distance thus I have already exceeded 1 000m while the other one makes series of 100 m full speed (that is the split session). If we add the fact that the competitive swimmer is 30 years old less than I and is a real swimmer, I finish to run after my youth before running after my breath. In that case there, I do not feel any more my shoulder (what is a funny expression to say) meaning that I feel only the pain in the shoulder. Once, I managed to resist. It gave me a big blow of pride and three weeks of stop to recover.
The last one fifty meters. I give all I have of remaining strength that is not very much. I may accelerate, inhale once every eight beatings, I have the impression to stand still. The wall seems to move back as I move forward. My heart will finish before me as it seems to want to go out of my mouth. The slope of the pool became more marked; it makes at least of the 10 %. One. Two. Three. Four movements. I touch the wall. It is finished … until the next session in two days.
One. Two. Three. Four strokes. Blow. The mark in the bottom of the swimming pool. Breathe. stretch out the arm. Look at the entering in the water. Break the elbow. Push. One. Two. Three. Four strokes. Blow. The mark is a little to far, I have to stretch out the arm more.
When you have to swim for 2,5km equal to 50 roundtrips, 100 lengths (!!!), you have time to thing about anything else. Still almost? Because swimming is boring as hell as you have contantly to look at what you do in order to sped up in the most effective way. The main objective is that the session last the least time possible. More, swimming pool are built with a slope. As you go it is going down and quick. For the return it is going up. I even suspect that there is a current against you.
One. Two. Three. Four strokes. Blow. The mark in the bottom of the swimming pool. Breathe. The wall is coming. Stop the stroke. Knock over. Fold down the legs. Lean on the wall. Push.
A good thing at the swimming pool: nobody can cheat. When you are young, you have a tendency to compare length and girth of the willies. As you grow old, you look at who is the one with the bigger belly. The smallest fold is instantly remarked by the ones whom regularly swim with you. It is simple you can hide to your wife for a while that you ate too much pizzas but not to the swimmers. Under the water, we can see that the push of Archimède does well its job. There is always, naturally this hateful race of persons who, whatever they gulp down, remain thin and show boldly their flat stomach.
One. Two. Three, four movements. Blow. The mark at the bottom of the swimming pool. Inhale(breathe). Stretch out the arm. Look at the entering in the water. Break the elbow. Push. How much do I have done? 350 or 400? I do not remember any more. According to the fatigue I choose the one or the other one.
The plague are palm-kernels. I do not speak about those who use mini-palms to make fundamental exercices. It is the others, those who have big palms and who take the water line as if they were alone. Palm-kernels are the drivers of 4X4 for swimming pools.
After there is the average swimmer who does not look behind him when he arrives at the wall and who swerves while you are doubling him. I gave the piece of advice to glance behind her at a small lady who had got away from me twice. I did not understand her wrinkled glance because I had no intention to be aggressive. When she restarted her lengthes, another swimmer says to me: " you know whom it is? ", "No", " it is the woman of whom the husband in tried to kill her. She swims now with only one lung ". A triton passes.
The worst cases are the grandpa or the grandma who did not understand that lines are reserved for good swimmers. The result is numerous collisions because they do not respect the sense of swimming until a MNS comes to suggest to him or her to go to swim farther.
One. Two. Three. Four strokes. Blow. The mark is too far. Breathe. I thought that I pushed always with the same intensity but my swimming is less and less efficient.
I swim with Jean, age 62, who is 3 km by session. It can seem a lot but, in fact, until few, he made the same distance in 2 sessions. He does not make more than a session since the change of agent which won the DSP (Delegation of Public service). It is necessary to know that local authorities want less and less to take care of public services. The neoliberalism gangrened the spirits and people want to pay only for what they consume. So the non-swimmers do not want to pay for the swimmers, the non-football players do not want to pay for the football players, etc. …
Local authorities are generally owners of equipments. They delegate the exploitation of equipments to private companies. They assign a fee to the agents. In the small brain of the elected representatives in charge of the call for tenders what matters it is that the royalty is the lowest possible. This nearsighted management of the public money lead to the doubling rates in particular for those who come regularly, dismissals, colder water, problems of opening (not enough chlorine, a single maitre-swimmer). What there is of fuming it is the contempt of which shows the elected representatives in charge of the case. You ask them questions and they send dismiss you on the agent who is in his logic. These high noses sirs or ladies, who requested our vote, ignore their citizens once elected representative.
One. Two. Three. Four strokes. Blow. The mark in the bottom of the swimming pool. Breathe. stretch out the arm. Look at the entering in the water. Break the elbow. Push. Hey, a guy doing split exercices. I will try to follow him.
There are two type of swimmers. There is the good swimmers and the bad swimmers. The good swimmers swim and the bad ones … euh … swim too. But they are bad swimmers.
I can't do any activity without keeping a competitive spirit. When I see a swimmer on the neighboring line which is doubling me. I want to follow him. The problem is that I swim long distance thus I have already exceeded 1 000m while the other one makes series of 100 m full speed (that is the split session). If we add the fact that the competitive swimmer is 30 years old less than I and is a real swimmer, I finish to run after my youth before running after my breath. In that case there, I do not feel any more my shoulder (what is a funny expression to say) meaning that I feel only the pain in the shoulder. Once, I managed to resist. It gave me a big blow of pride and three weeks of stop to recover.
The last one fifty meters. I give all I have of remaining strength that is not very much. I may accelerate, inhale once every eight beatings, I have the impression to stand still. The wall seems to move back as I move forward. My heart will finish before me as it seems to want to go out of my mouth. The slope of the pool became more marked; it makes at least of the 10 %. One. Two. Three. Four movements. I touch the wall. It is finished … until the next session in two days.
jeudi 10 mai 2012
B, Sect and Fun
In the movie "Pédale douce" (sweet queer), there is a scene where Patrick Timsit comes out of a restaurant. He goes left passing by a white porch and stops in front of high barred windows. Behind the porch and the windows was a company where I worked in. Even the crew had diner there during the shooting.
Should the meal be earlier in the day, technicians and actors would have witnessed a strange ceremony. Several people would have arrived one by one. They would have gone downstairs in a fit out basement. Some minutes later, they would have heard a liturgical chant raising. With more attention, they would have heard a song for an illustrious unknown female person.
The ritual was held every evening (or as Sheldon from Big Bang Theory would say prevening) around 6PM. I was still at work doing administrative tasks. The first I heard this strange chant, I told myself: "Hey. There is also a choir in this company. Choir always needs bass voice. If the repertoire suits me I will join it". Finally, the repertoire didn't suit me and I didn't join.
You have to know that in France there is a governmental agency whom lists all the sects. In the 1996's list, there was an association whose members gathered at the headquater of my company. A retrospective fear would have taken me if the following didn't happen.
The association's members were rather high level people (lawyers, programmers, businessmen, …). At the head of it a Canadian woman whom tried to prove her sanity by telling that she had cured her husband from multiple sclerosis by drinking her urine in reclusion in an apartment at Nice. I know that the quantum intrication states that two particles can interact at great distances. The intercontinental urino-therapy let me puzzled.
The association's activities were rather classic : books, conferences and psycho-therapeutical seminars. Usually, it is well known that what caracterize a sect are two points : psychological constraints and money. In short, we prevent the members to quit the sect and we try to get the most money possible.
During my stay beside the association, I saw a lot of members leaving one by one the association without any trouble at my knowledge. Concerning the money, the association met some troubles. One of the member was a singer. She asked the association to help her to produce her first record. She had certainly some talent as she had been invited to a musical radio show. But the production cost dried out all the association's founds and so the association disappeared. The remaining three members were thrown at the four cardinal points. What would be a sect reveals to a ill managed association.
I have to confess that there was no proselytism in my company even if my boss was an important member of the association. The company had an activity with no connections with the association. On the contrary, the situation gave me a lot of stuff to use and perform my second degree humor. By the way, it was there that I started what would become my second career : IT programming. If somebody would have tried to entrap me in this association, I would have said as Alexandre Hagutte (one of the character of the movie) : "You have to stop to piss me off. You have to stop to piss me off".
In the movie "Pédale douce" (sweet queer), there is a scene where Patrick Timsit comes out of a restaurant. He goes left passing by a white porch and stops in front of high barred windows. Behind the porch and the windows was a company where I worked in. Even the crew had diner there during the shooting.
Should the meal be earlier in the day, technicians and actors would have witnessed a strange ceremony. Several people would have arrived one by one. They would have gone downstairs in a fit out basement. Some minutes later, they would have heard a liturgical chant raising. With more attention, they would have heard a song for an illustrious unknown female person.
The ritual was held every evening (or as Sheldon from Big Bang Theory would say prevening) around 6PM. I was still at work doing administrative tasks. The first I heard this strange chant, I told myself: "Hey. There is also a choir in this company. Choir always needs bass voice. If the repertoire suits me I will join it". Finally, the repertoire didn't suit me and I didn't join.
You have to know that in France there is a governmental agency whom lists all the sects. In the 1996's list, there was an association whose members gathered at the headquater of my company. A retrospective fear would have taken me if the following didn't happen.
The association's members were rather high level people (lawyers, programmers, businessmen, …). At the head of it a Canadian woman whom tried to prove her sanity by telling that she had cured her husband from multiple sclerosis by drinking her urine in reclusion in an apartment at Nice. I know that the quantum intrication states that two particles can interact at great distances. The intercontinental urino-therapy let me puzzled.
The association's activities were rather classic : books, conferences and psycho-therapeutical seminars. Usually, it is well known that what caracterize a sect are two points : psychological constraints and money. In short, we prevent the members to quit the sect and we try to get the most money possible.
During my stay beside the association, I saw a lot of members leaving one by one the association without any trouble at my knowledge. Concerning the money, the association met some troubles. One of the member was a singer. She asked the association to help her to produce her first record. She had certainly some talent as she had been invited to a musical radio show. But the production cost dried out all the association's founds and so the association disappeared. The remaining three members were thrown at the four cardinal points. What would be a sect reveals to a ill managed association.
I have to confess that there was no proselytism in my company even if my boss was an important member of the association. The company had an activity with no connections with the association. On the contrary, the situation gave me a lot of stuff to use and perform my second degree humor. By the way, it was there that I started what would become my second career : IT programming. If somebody would have tried to entrap me in this association, I would have said as Alexandre Hagutte (one of the character of the movie) : "You have to stop to piss me off. You have to stop to piss me off".
Si, Secte and Fun
Dans le film "Pédale Douce", il y a une scène où Patrick Timsit sort de la boite/restaurant tenue par Fanny Ardant. Il se dirige vers la gauche, passe devant un porche blanc et discute avec un autre acteur devant de hautes fenêtres à barreaux. Derrière le porche et les fenêtres se trouvait une entreprise dans laquelle je travaillais à l'époque. L'équipe de tournage avait même diné dans ses locaux.
Si cela c'était passé dans la journée au lieu de la nuit, les techniciens et acteurs auraient été témoins d'une drôle de cérémonie. Plusieurs personnes seraient arrivées les unes derrières les autres puis se seraient dirigées vers l'escalier descendant dans un sous-sol aménagé. Quelques minutes plus tard, ils auraient entendu un chant s'élever. S'ils avaient fait attention aux paroles, ils auraient entendus une ode à une illustre inconnue.
Le rituel avait lieu tous les soirs vers 18h00. J'étais encore à mon bureau où je vaquais à des opérations administratives. La première fois que j'entendis l'étrange mélopée, je me suis dit: "Chouette, il y a aussi une chorale dans cette boite. On a toujours besoin d'une basse dans une chorale. Si le répertoire me plait, je m'inscris". Au final, le répertoire ne m'a pas plu et je ne me suis pas inscrit.
Il faut savoir qu'il existe en France une surveillance contre les sectes appelée LA MIVILUDES ( Déjà ceux qui ont créé la dite mission ne connaissent pas l'orthographe: au singulier on ne met pas de "S". Ensuite, choisir un nom entre pédiluve et interlude ne résonne pas comme quelque chose de très dangereux pour les sectes. En attendant, dans la liste de 1996 des sectes, il y avait une association dont les membres se réunissaient au siège de ma boite. Une peur rétrospective pourrait me saisir si je n'avais vécu ce qui va suivre.
Les membres de l'association étaient des personnes plutôt CSP+ (avocats, informaticiens, chef d'entreprise,…). A sa tête il y avait une Canadienne qui, pour prouver sa santé mentale, racontait qu'elle avait guéri son mari de la sclérose en plaque en buvant son urine pendant une semaine, enfermée dans un appartement à Nice. On a beau connaître l'intrication quantique, qui veut que deux particules peuvent interagir à grande distance, l'urino-thérapie intercontinentale me laissait perplexe.
L'activité de l'association était classique : bouquins, conférences et séminaires psycho-thérapeutiques. On dit toujours que ce à quoi on reconnait une secte ce sont la contrainte psychologique et l'argent. En résumé, on empêche les membres de s'en aller de leur plein gré et on s'en met plein les poches.
Au cours des quelques années où mon bureau a côtoyé l'association, j'ai vu partir un à un ses membres sans qu'il n'y ait, à ma connaissance, eu quoi que ce soit de fait pour les retenir. Quand à l'argent, l'association a connu quelques avanies. Il y avait une membre qui était chanteuse. Elle s'appuya sur l'association pour produire son premier disque. Il n'était pas mauvais et la chanteuse devait avoir quelque talent car elle avait été invité à l'émission musicale du samedi soir sur France Inter. Malheureusement, l'opération lessiva complètement les comptes de l'association qui dut disparaître essaimant les trois membres encore présents aux quatre points cardinaux. Ce qui devait être une secte dangereuse se révéla être une association mal gérée.
Je dois avouer qu'il n'y avait pas de prosélytisme dans mon entreprise qui, par ailleurs, avait une activité qui n'avait strictement rien à voir avec celle de l'association. Bien au contraire, cela m'offrait un champ idéal pour y affuter mon humour au second degré. C'est d'ailleurs dans cette entreprise que j'ai commencé ce qui deviendrait mon second métier après la communication : la programmation.
S'il y avait eu tentative de m'embrigader, j'aurais de toute façon dit ce qu'exprime si bien Alexandre Hagutte :"Faut arrêter un tout petit peu d’me faire chier !! Faut arrêter un tout petit peu d’me faire chier !!"
samedi 5 mai 2012
Mon Programme
Moi, blogueur, j'écrirai une chronique tous les jours
…… où je suis libre.
Moi, blogueur, je ne parlerai pas de moi
…. à la première personne du singulier. Patrick Pichot est au-dessus de cela
Moi, blogueur, j'écrirai sur des sujets légers
…. tels que: la conjecture de fibration virtuelle ou l'arbre phylogénique des eucaryotes
Moi, blogueur, j'écrirai sur des sujets sérieux
… tels que: le Hulk des Avengers est-il le meilleur Hulk de l'histoire de film de comics?
Moi, blogueur, je n'emploierai pas de vocabulaire compliqué
… pas de syllogisme procédant par enthymène
Moi, blogueur, je n'utiliserai pas d'arguments fallacieux
…. de toute façon j'ai toujours raison
Moi, blagueur, je n'utiliserai pas l'humour facile
Moi, blogueur, je ne vous parlerai pas de mon boulot
…. la programmation est un sacerdoce où il y a beaucoup d'appelés et peu d'élus
Moi, blogueur,je répondrai systématiquement aux commentaires sur mes chroniques
… du moins, les élogieux
Moi, blogueur, je n'utiliserai pas de citations
… "Les citations sont à la pensée ce que le prêt-à-porter est au sur-mesure. . ." Pierre-Alain Goualch, Rémi Vignolo, André Ceccarelli
Moi, blogueur, je ne serai jamais agressif envers mes contradicteurs
… ceux qui n'aiment pas ma prose peuvent passer leur chemin
Moi, blogueur, je ne parlerai pas de politique
…. surtout si les prochaines élections répondent à mes attentes
Moi, blogueur, je n'emploierai pas de propos machistes
…. même si je peux comprendre que les blondes aient du mal à comprendre ma prose
Moi, blogueur, je ne renverrai pas mes chroniques à celles d'autres blogueurs
… à moins que ceux-ci aient exprimé une admiration inconditionnelle de mon blog
I, blogger, would write only in french as to be understood by all my french readers
Moi, blogueur, je n'utiliserai pas de figure de rhétorique
... je laisse l'anaphore aux hommes politiques
Moi, blogueur, je n'écrirai pas pour ne rien dire
… ouf! une de plus que FH
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